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Translating User Dialog Boxes

Translating User Dialog Boxes

This example shows how you can translate SUD dialog boxes.

The example shows a dialog box where you can change the language during runtime. The translated texts are in the files translate_*.ltm. Every language has its own file. Remove the single quotation marks in the commented command lines in the Translate_sud.vbs script and start the script to generate a LTM file. All the dialog texts box are then written into a LTM file. The LTM files are text files separated by tabs and contain the texts to be translated in the last column. Specify the language with a language ID in the filename. Include a file Translation_library.vbs in the Dialog_EventInitialize event of the user dialog box. The file reads in the language files and assigns the SUD controls. In your own applications you should switch the language before the dialog box displays because otherwise the selection in a selection field, for example, might be lost.

If you only see squares but no Japanese characters for the Japanese translation, you did not install the support for East Asian languages. To install this support on your computer, search for the term Install East Asian language files in the Windows Help and follow the instructions. In this example the EventInitialize event determines that the Japanese translation is only visible in a Japanese DIAdem version.

Start example

Click a Filename to Load this File into DIAdem

Translate_SUD.vbs Script file
Translate.sud Dialog box file
Translation_Library.vbs Script file
translate_de.ltm German file for translation
translate_en.ltm English file for translation
translate_fr.ltm French file for translation
translate_jp.ltm Japanese file for translation
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