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Property: CC for EMail

Property: CC for EMail

Specifies the email addresses to which DIAdem sends an email copy. Separate several email addresses with a comma. If you want to include the name in the email address, enter the actual email address between < and > characters.

Object with this property
Object.CCString with read and write access

The following example creates an email and sends it without authentication.



Dim oMyEMailService, oMyMail
Set oMyEMailService = CreateEMailService("server.example.com")
Set oMyMail = oMyEMailService.CreateEMail("FromUser <from.example@example.com>", "ToUser <to.example@example.com>", "This is the subject", "This is some text")
oMyMail.CC       = "to.cc@example.com"
oMyMail.BCC      = "blind.cc@example.com"
Call oMyMail.Send
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