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Method: CreateEMail for EMailService

Method: CreateEMail for EMailService

Creates an EMail object containing an email to send over an email server. Use the Send method to send emails. Separate several email addresses with commas. If you want to include the name in the email address, enter the actual email address between < and > characters.

Set oEMail = Object.CreateEMail(From, To, Subject, TextBody)
Object with this method
Specifies the email address or name of the sender.
Specifies the email address of the recipient.
Specifies the subject of the email.
Specifies the text of the email. The text can contain text but not formats.
Returned object

The following example creates an email and sends it without authentication.



Dim oMyEMailService, oMyMail
Set oMyEMailService = CreateEMailService("server.example.com")
Set oMyMail = oMyEMailService.CreateEMail("FromUser <from.example@example.com>", "ToUser <to.example@example.com>", "This is the subject", "This is some text")
Call oMyMail.Send
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