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Crash Analysis (Xg)

Crash Analysis (Xg)

Use this dialog box to calculate the Xg value.


X-channel Specifies the data channel containing the time values of the signal. The values of the data channel must be monotonic increasing.
Y-Channel Specifies the data channel containing the acceleration values of the signal in gn (acceleration of gravity).
Acceleration Specifies the acceleration in gn (gravity acceleration).
Calculation within one peak/including all peaks Specifies whether DIAdem calculates the acceleration, which lasts X ms, from one section or several partial sections.
Note  The XgVersion variable receives the algorithm version number, which is independent of the DIAdem version number.
Refer to the description of the Xg criterion for further information such as mathematical background, input values, and directives and laws.
If you want to use waveform channels in this dialog box, follow Rule 2.2 for Calculating with Waveform Channels.


DIAdem saves the results in the following variables:

XgTimeBegin Receives the time T1 of the calculated Xg acceleration.
XgTimeEnd Receives the time T2 of the calculated Xg acceleration.
XgMaxPeak Receives the time interval between T1 and T2 for the Xg calculation.
XgDeltaX Gets the total time when separate sections are calculated.
Note  In addition, DIAdem saves the calculated results and the version number, which is independent of the DIAdem version, in the following custom properties of the input channel. Result~Xg~DeltaX, Result~Xg~MaxPeak, Result~Xg~TimeBegin, Result~Xg~TimeEnd, and Result~Xg~Version.
To calculate quantity-based in DIAdem, click the Calculate Quantity-Based button on the DIAdem ANALYSIS toolbar. When executing quantity-based calculations, DIAdem checks whether the program can also execute calculations on physical quantities in the same calculation. If DIAdem cannot execute the calculation because the physical quantities are unsuitable, the program displays an error message. Refer to the Help page Calculating Quantity-Based and Non-Quantity-Based in DIAdem for the conditions and rules for quantity-based calculations.

Script Call

Call SUDDlgShow("Main", ResourceDrv & "AnaChnXgCalc")



Crash Analysis | Crash Evaluation Based on the MME Standard | Synchronizing Videos and Waveform Data

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