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Method: SaveAs for Workbook

Method: SaveAs for Workbook

Saves an Excel workbook.

bSaveAs = Object.SaveAs(Filename)
Object with this method
Specifies the path and the name of the Excel file. You must enter the filename extension.
Specifies whether saving was successful (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

The following example creates an Excel workbook, fills the first cell in the first worksheet with the value 3.14, and saves the Excel workbook in a new XLSX file. Refer to the help page Workbook for detailed examples:



Dim oMyWorkbook, oMySheet 
Set oMyWorkbook = CreateExcelWorkbook() 
Set oMySheet = oMyWorkbook.Worksheets(1) 
oMySheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = 3.14
Call oMyWorkbook.SaveAs(DataWritePath & "Test.xlsx")
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