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Property: TrimCharacters for Formatter

Property: TrimCharacters for Formatter

Specifies the characters that are deleted before and after a value when it is read in.

Object with this property
Object.TrimCharactersString with read and write access
Note  The specified characters are not a string; they are a list of single characters.

The following example shows the settings required for reading the lines listed below:

 XAxis; 1.000.000; 2.000; 301

The TrimCharacters property deletes the leading and trailing blanks of the text that is read.

File.Formatter.TrimCharacters = " "
File.Formatter.LineFeeds = vbNewLine
File.Formatter.Delimiters = ";"
File.Formatter.ThousandSeparator = "."
Dim Channelname : Channelname = File.GetNextStringValue(eString)
Dim StartValue  : StartValue  = File.GetNextStringValue(eI32)
Dim Increment   : Increment   = File.GetNextStringValue(eI32)
Dim ChannelSize : ChannelSize = File.GetNextStringValue(eI32)
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