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Property: ThousandSeparator for StringChannelFormatter

Property: ThousandSeparator for StringChannelFormatter

Specifies the thousands separator, which is ignored when channel values are read in.

If you do not use the property ThousandSeparator to specify an individual thousands separator, the DataPlugin uses the general thousands separator to read in the channel. Use the Formatter.ThousandSeparator property to specify the thousands separator generally used in the file.

Use the ThousandSeparator property to assign an individual thousands separator to an empty string, so that the general thousands separator is valid for this channel.

Object with this property
Object.ThousandSeparatorString with read and write access

The following example shows the settings required for reading the lines listed below:

 1.000.000; 1,0002.000.000; 2,0003.000.000; 3,0004.000.000; 4,0005.000.000; 5,000

The ThousandSeparator property specifies the point as a thousands separator of the file and a special thousands separator which is only valid for the second channel.

File.Formatter.TrimCharacters = " "
File.Formatter.LineFeeds  = vbNewLine
File.Formatter.Delimiters = ";"
File.Formatter.ThousandSeparator = "."

Dim oBlock, oGrp, oChn
Set oBlock = File.GetStringBlock()
Set oGrp = Root.ChannelGroups.Add("MyChannelGroup")
Set oChn = oBlock.Channels.Add("Date1",eTime)
Call oGrp.Channels.AddDirectAccessChannel(oChn)
Set oChn = oBlock.Channels.Add("Date2",eTime)
oChn.Formatter.NoValueSign = "$$$"
Call oGrp.Channels.AddDirectAccessChannel(oChn)
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