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Property: Properties for Element <DataPlugin>

Property: Properties for Element <DataPlugin>

Contains the Properties collection associated with an Element object.

Set oProperties = Object.Properties
ObjectElement <DataPlugin>
Object with this property
oPropertiesProperties <DataPlugin>
Returned object

The following example transfers the information in the FromStore object about channel groups and their properties, into the TDM data model structure:

Sub ReadStore(FromStore) 
  Call FindAndCreateGroups(FromStore.Children) 
End Sub 

Sub FindAndCreateGroups(StoreElements) 
  Dim StoreElement 
  Dim TDMGroup 
  For Each StoreElement in StoreElements 
    If StoreElement.IsKindOf(eStoreChannelGroup) Then 
      Set TDMGroup = Root.ChannelGroups.Add(StoreElement.Name) 
      Call TDMGroup.Properties.AddProperties(StoreElement.Properties) 
      Call FindAndCreateGroups(StoreElement.Children) 
    End If 
End Sub 
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