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Property: Properties for ChannelGroup <DataPlugin>

Property: Properties for ChannelGroup <DataPlugin>

Contains the Properties collection associated with a ChannelGroup object.

Set oProperties = Object.Properties
ObjectChannelGroup <DataPlugin>
Object with this property
oPropertiesProperties <DataPlugin>
Returned object

The following example checks all properties of the first channel group. The example creates the group property Test_Status if this property does not exist.

Dim oMyGrp, oMyProp, bFound
Set oMyGrp = Root.ChannelGroups(1)
For Each oMyProp in oMyGrp.Properties
  If oMyProp.Name = "Test_Status" Then
    bfound = TRUE
  End If
If not bFound Then
  Call oMyGrp.Properties.Add("Test_Status","Pass")
End If
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