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Property: Position for CellBlock

Property: Position for CellBlock

Specifies the position of the file pointer in a CellBlock.

Set oCellPosition = Object.Position
Object with this property
Returned object

The following example reads in the values of the first worksheet columnwise and saves the values in channels from the first channel group. The name of the channels are in the line above the first channel values.

Dim oCurrSheet
Set oCurrSheet = Workbook.Sheets(1)
Dim oCellBlock
Set oCellBlock = oCurrSheet.GetCellBlock(4,1)

Dim i, Name, oNewChannel
For i = oCellBlock.Position.Column to oCurrSheet.MaxPosition.Column
  Name = oCurrSheet.GetCellValue(oCellBlock.Position.Row-1,i)
  Set oNewChannel = oCellBlock.Channels.Add(Name) 
  Call Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels.AddDirectAccessChannel(oNewChannel)
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