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Property: MinPosition for Sheet

Property: MinPosition for Sheet

Specifies within the worksheet the position of the cell that contains the first value.

Set oCellPosition = Object.MinPosition
Object with this property
Returned object

The following example reads in the values of the worksheet columnwise and saves the values in channels from the first channel group:

Dim oCurrSheet
Set oCurrSheet = Workbook.Sheets(1)
Dim oCellBlock
Set oCellBlock = oCurrSheet.GetCellBlock(oCurrSheet.MinPositiom.Row+1,oCurrSheet.MinPosition.Column)

Dim i, Name, oNewChannel
For i = oCurrSheet.MinPosition.Column to oCurrSheet.MaxPosition.Column
  Name = oCurrSheet.GetCellValue(oCurrSheet.MinPositiom.Row,i)
  Set oNewChannel = oCellBlock.Channels.Add(Name) 
  Call Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels.AddDirectAccessChannel(oNewChannel)
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