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Property: Formatter for DirectAccessChannel

Property: Formatter for DirectAccessChannel

Contains information about how the values of a DirectAccess channel are represented.

Set oAbstractChannelFormatter = Object.Formatter
Object with this property
Returned object

The following example interprets the first byte as the higher-value byte when the values of the MyChannel are read.

Dim oBinBlock : Set oBinBlock = File.GetBinaryBlock()
Dim oChn : Set oChn = oBinBlock.Channels.Add("MyChannel",eI16)
oChn.Formatter.ByteOrder = eBigEndian
Dim oMyGrp: Set oMyGrp = Root.ChannelGroups.Add("MyChannelGroup")
Call oMyGrp.Channels.AddDirectAccessChannel(oChn)
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