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Property: CommentSign for Formatter

Property: CommentSign for Formatter

Specifies the characters that mark comment lines in the file. These characters must be at the start of the line.

Comment lines are skipped when the file is read.

Object with this property
Object.CommentSignString with read and write access
Note   When the file is read in, the characters are case sensitive. For example, if you enter the identifier REM, a line marked Rem is not skipped when being read.

The following example shows the settings required for reading the lines listed below:

rem generation specification for implicit channel¶
XAxis; 1.000.000; 2.000; 301

The CommentSign property specifies the characters that identify comment lines.

File.Formatter.TrimCharacters = " "
File.Formatter.LineFeeds  = vbNewLine
File.Formatter.Delimiters = ";"
File.Formatter.CommentSign= "rem"
Dim MeasName    : MeasName    = File.GetNextStringValue(eString()
Call File.SkipLine()
Dim ChannelName : ChannelName = File.GetNextStringValue(eString)
Dim StartValue  : StartValue  = File.GetNextStringValue(eI32)
Dim Increment   : Increment   = File.GetNextStringValue(eI32)
Dim ChannelSize : ChannelSize = File.GetNextStringValue(eI32)
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