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Property: CharacterCount for FixedWidthChannelFormatter

Property: CharacterCount for FixedWidthChannelFormatter

Specifies the number of characters that are read from the text file per channel value. The default value for this property is 10.

Object with this property
Object.CharacterCountLongInteger with read and write access

The following example shows the settings required for reading the lines listed below:


The CharacterCount property specifies that four characters are interpreted as one channel value:

Dim oBlock: Set oBlock = File.GetFixedWidthBlock
Dim oChannelGroup: Set oChannelGroup = Root.ChannelGroups.Add("Channelgroup")
Dim oChn1  : Set oChn1  = oBlock.Channels.Add("Channel1", eI32)
oChn1.Formatter.CharacterCount = 4
oChn1.Formatter.SampleWidth = 2
Call oChannelGroup.Channels.AddDirectAccessChannel(oChn1)

Dim oChn2  : Set oChn2  = oBlock.Channels.Add("Channel2", eI32)
oChn2.Formatter.CharacterCount = 4
oChn2.Formatter.SampleWidth = 2
Call oChannelGroup.Channels.AddDirectAccessChannel(oChn2)

oBlock.Position = File.Position
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