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Property: Channels for ProcessedChannel

Property: Channels for ProcessedChannel

Contains the ChannelsToProcess collection associated with a ProcessedChannel object.

ProcessedChannel object with read access.

Set oChannelsToProcess = Object.Channels
Object with this property
Returned object

The following example generates a new channel MyChannel in the Measurements channel group. The channel contains the values, which are added rowwise, of the 64-bit Real type DirectAccess channels from the Measurements channel group.

Dim ChannelGroup: Set ChannelGroup = Root.ChannelGroups.Add("Measurements")
Dim ProcessedChn: Set ProcessedChn = ChannelGroup.Channels.AddProcessedChannel("MyChannel",eR64,eAddProcessor)
Dim Channel
For Each Channel in ChannelGroup.Channels
  If Channel.IsKindOf(eDirectAccess) and (Channel.DataType = eR64) Then
    Call ProcessedChn.Channels.Add(Channel)
  End If
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