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Object: Store

Object: Store

The Store object provides information on the data store currently processed by the DataPlugin. Use the Store object properties to specify how to map the information about a data model, for example, ATFX files, onto the TDM data model. You also can use the Store object to change, to rename, or to extend information about a TDM data model.

If you select the file reader DataPlugin when you create a new DataPlugin, you specify that the DataPlugin to be created is a DataPlugin that can map. The ReadStore procedure receives the Store object with a reference to the data store to be loaded, via the FromStore parameter. Within the new DataPlugin you specify how information is read from the USI data store and is mapped to the TDM data model.

The following example transfers the information in the FromStore object about channel groups and about channels, into the structure of the TDM data model:

Sub ReadStore(FromStore) 
  Call FindAndCreateGroups(FromStore.Children) 
End Sub 

Sub FindAndCreateGroups(StoreElements) 
  Dim StoreElement 
  Dim TDMGroup 
  For Each StoreElement in StoreElements 
    If StoreElement.IsKindOf(eStoreChannelGroup) Then 
      Set TDMGroup = Root.ChannelGroups.Add(StoreElement.Name) 
      Call TDMGroup.Properties.AddProperties(StoreElement.Properties) 
      Call CreateChannels(StoreElement, TDMGroup) 
      Call FindAndCreateGroups(StoreElement.Children) 
    End If 
End Sub 

Sub CreateChannels(StoreGroup, TDMGroup) 
  Dim StoreChannel 
  For Each StoreChannel In StoreGroup.Channels 
    Call TDMGroup.Channels.AddStoreChannel(StoreChannel) 
End Sub

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