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Object: StringChannelFormatter

Object: StringChannelFormatter

The StringChannelFormatter object contains information about how the values of a channel are represented in the text file.

The Formatter object contains information for formatting the file which is currently being processed by the DataPlugin. This information includes details on the used decimal sign, NoValue sign, thousand separator, and date/time format. These formatting details are universally true, which means that the DataPlugin uses them for reading in all channels from the text file. If a channel deviates from these formatting instructions, you can use the StringChannelFormatter object to specify an individual format for this channel.

The following example checks each channel whether this channel has a StringBlock and creates the channel property DataType:

Dim oMyChn
For Each oMyChn in oBlock.Channels
  If (oMyChn.Formatter.IsKindOf(eStringBlock)) Then
    Call oMyChn.Properties.Add("DataType", oMyChn.Formatter.DataType)
  End If



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