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Object: Formatter

Object: Formatter

The Formatter object contains information about the format of the file that the DataPlugin is currently processing.

The following example sets the Formatter object properties that are required for reading the following values:

28.06.2004 16:28:20; 0,00123428.06.2004 16:28:21; 0,00239828.06.2004 16:28:22; 0,00129628.06.2004 16:28:23; 0,00162828.06.2004 16:28:24; 0,001683¶

File.Formatter.TrimCharacters = " "
File.Formatter.LineFeeds  = vbNewLine
File.Formatter.TimeFormat = "DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss"
File.Formatter.Delimiters = ";"
File.Formatter.DecimalPoint = ","
Dim ValueTime, Value
While (File.Position <> File.Size)
  Set ValueTime = File.GetNextStringValue(eTime)
  Value = File.GetNextStringValue(eR64)
  Call File.SkipLine()



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