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Method: SkipLine for File

Method: SkipLine for File

Skips one line in the file.

bSkipLine = Object.SkipLine
Object with this method
The value is TRUE if the method was successful.
The value is FALSE when the end of the file is reached.

The following example reads the following lines from a file.

1.000.000; 2.000; 301

These lines contain the name and the generation parameters of an implicit channel. The example skips the empty line that separates the information. The example then generates a channel group that contains an implicit channel.

File.Formatter.LineFeeds = vbNewLine
File.Formatter.Delimiters = ";"
File.Formatter.ThousandSeparator = "."
Dim ChannelName: ChannelName = File.GetNextStringValue(eString)
Call File.SkipLine()
Dim StartValue : StartValue  = File.GetNextStringValue(eI32)
Dim Increment  : Increment   = File.GetNextStringValue(eI32)
Dim ChannelSize: ChannelSize = File.GetNextStringValue(eI32)
Dim oMyGrp : Set oMyGrp = Root.ChannelGroups.Add("MyChannelGroup") 
Call oMyGrp.Channels.AddImplicitChannel(ChannelName, StartValue, Increment, ChannelSize, eI32)
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