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Method: IsKindOf for AbstractChannelFormatter

Method: IsKindOf for AbstractChannelFormatter

Checks whether the AbstractChannelFormatter object is a certain type.

The AbstractChannelFormatter object contains information about how the values of a channel are represented in the file. Depending on whether the channel belongs to a BinaryBlock, StringBlock, FixedWidthBlock, or CellBlock the AbstractChannelFormatter is a BinaryChannelFormatter, StringChannelFormatter, FixedWidthChannelFormatter, or CellChannelFormatter object.

bIsKindOf = Object.IsKindOf(Type)

Object with this method
TypeSpecifies the block type to be checked.
Enumeration with the following selection terms:
0 - eBinaryBlock BinaryBlock type block
1 - eStringBlock StringBlock type block
2 - eFixedWidthBlock FixedWidthBlock type block
3 - eCellBlock CellBlock type block
The value is TRUE if the channel is part of the specified block type.

The following example checks to which block type each channel belongs and creates the channel property BlockType:

Dim oMyChn
For Each oMyChn in oBlock.Channels
  If oMyChn.Formatter.IsKindOf(eStringBlock) Then
    Call oMyChn.Properties.Add("BlockType", "StringBlock")
  ElseIf oMyChn.Formatter.IsKindOf(eBinaryBlock) Then
    Call oMyChn.Properties.Add("BlockType", "BinaryBlock")
  ElseIf oMyChn.Formatter.IsKindOf(eFixedWidthBlock) Then
    Call oMyChn.Properties.Add("BlockType", "FixedWidthBlock")
  ElseIf oMyChn.Formatter.IsKindOf(eCellBlock) Then
    Call oMyChn.Properties.Add("BlockType", "CellBlock")
  End If
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