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Method: AddWaveformProperties for ProcessedChannel

Method: AddWaveformProperties for ProcessedChannel

Adds waveform properties to a channel, which combines values form other channels (ChannelsToProcess), in order to create a waveform channel.

Waveform channels contain the x-part and the y-part of a curve in a channel. The y-part contains the (measurement) values. The x-part might be the measured time. The Waveform properties specify the x-part that is a linear specification with a start value and a step width.

Object.AddWaveformProperties(Increment, StartOffset, [XChannelName], [XChannelUnit], [StartTime], [TimePreference], [NumberOfSamples])
Object with this method
Specifies the step width of the x-part of the waveform channel.
Specifies the offset of the x-part of the waveform channel.
Specifies the name of the x-part of the waveform channel. The default channel name is Time.
Specifies the unit of the x-part of the waveform channel.
Specifies the start time of the x-part of the waveform channel.
[TimePreference]Enumeration with the following selection terms:
Absolute time
Relative Time
Specifies the block size of the values of the waveform channel. The default value is 1.

The following example generates the channel MyChannel in the Measurements channel group. The channel contains the values, which are added rowwise, of the 64-bit Real type DirectAccess channels from the Measurements channel group. Then the example adds waveform properties the the MyChannel channel.

Dim ChannelGroup: Set ChannelGroup = Root.ChannelGroups("Measurements")
Dim ProcessedChn: Set ProcessedChn = ChannelGroup.Channels.AddProcessedChannel("MyChannel",eR64,eAddProcessor)
Dim Channel
For Each Channel in Channelgroup.Channels
  If Channel.IsKindOf(eDirectAccess) and (Channel.DataType = eR64) Then
    Call ProcessedChn.Channels.Add(Channel)
  End If
Call ProcessedChn.AddWaveformProperties(1, 0, "Time", "s")
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