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Method: AddProcessedChannel for Channels <DataPlugin>

Method: AddProcessedChannel for Channels <DataPlugin>

Adds an object to the Channels collection and returns a ProcessedChannel object.

This method facilitates the generation of a channel to which further channels can be added or appended.

Set oProcessedChannel = Object.AddProcessedChannel(NameOrChannel, eProcessingType, ProcessingType)
ObjectChannels <DataPlugin>
Object with this method
Specifies the name of the channel or any channel
Specifies the data type of the channel.
10 - eR64 64-bit real
23 - eString Text
30 - eTime Time
Specifies the type of channel processing.
eConcatProcessor Appending channels (default).
eAddProcessor Adding channel values rowwise.
If the channels have different lengths, the missing channel values are filled with zeros.
eMultiplyProcessor Multiplying channel values rowwise.
If the channels have different lengths, the missing channel values are filled with zeros.
Returned object
Note  The channel name must be unique and must not include special characters.

The following example generates a new channel MyChannel in the Measurements channel group. The channel contains the values added rowwise of the second, third, and fourth channels of the Measurements channel group.

Dim oChannelGroup, oProcessedChn, i
Set oChannelGroup = Root.ChannelGroups("Measurements")
Set oProcessedChn = oChannelGroup.Channels.AddProcessedChannel("MyChannel",eR64,eAddProcessor)
For i = 2 to 4
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