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The following examples show you how to create DataPlugins for loading or registering your own file formats in the DIAdem Data Portal.

A DataPlugin is based on a VBScript that reads data from files and provides the data for DIAdem. To create a DataPlugin, you must be familiar with the file structure. Therefore, you need a detailed description of the data format before you can program the DataPlugin. When you have this information, you can select Settings»Extensions»DataPlugins in DIAdem NAVIGATOR or in DIAdem SCRIPT, to create a DataPlugin. You then program the associated script in a script editor you select, for example, in the Microsoft Script Editor (version 10 or later) from the Microsoft Development Environment (Version 7.0 or later).

Note  For programming you also can use the script editor integrated in DIAdem. However, you can no longer use the debugger features. When programming your DataPlugins, do not use any DIAdem commands.

Example 1: Reading in a Text File with Meta Information

This example shows you how to

  • create a DataPlugin and use the DataPlugin in the DataFinder.
  • provide information about the text file.
  • read in text.
  • create properties and assign values to the properties.
  • generate channels with automatically calculated values.

Example 2: Reading in an ASCII File with Meta Information and Channel Data

This example shows you how to

  • use a StringBlock to read in text channels.
  • provide information about formatting a time channel.
  • display a message when an error occurs.

Example 3: Reading in a Binary File with Four Channels

This example shows you how to

  • read in binary channel values.
  • create a channel group.
  • create a channel.
  • export the DataPlugin.

Example 4: Reading in a Text File and Handling Errors

This example shows you how to

  • read in a time channel.
  • read in and edit single values.
  • display error messages.
  • process invalid values.

Example 5: Reading in Data from an Excel File

This example shows you how to

  • read in general information on the workbook.
  • use a CellBlock to read in data of a worksheet.


Additional examples

Example 1a: Reading in an Unspecified Number of Channels (Value by Value)

Example 1b: Reading in an Unspecified Number of Channels (DirectAccess Channels)

Example 2: Splitting up Meta Information

Example 3: Reading in Data from Different Files

Example 4: Merging Date and Time Channels

Example 5: Using Processed Channels

Example 6: Reading in Data Saved Blockwise

Example 7: Using Waveform Channels

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