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Property: Text for MenuPoint

Property: Text for MenuPoint

Specifies the text of the context menu item.

Object with this property
Object.TextString with read and write access
Note  To test the following example script, you must first save the script and register the script as a user command in the dialog box that opens when you select Settings»Extensions»User Commands.

The following example displays the ID and the text of every item of the context menu:

'--- For DIAdem-NAVIGATOR ------------------------------------------
Call AddUserCommandToEvent("Navigator.Events.OnShowingContextMenu","MyNavigatorOnShowingContextMenu")

Sub MyNavigatorOnShowingContextMenu(ParentObj, MenuPoints)
Dim MenuPoint
  For Each MenuPoint in MenuPoints
    Call MsgBoxDisp(MenuPoint.Id & " " & MenuPoint.Text)
End Sub

'--- For DIAdem-VIEW ------------------------------------------
Call AddUserCommandToEvent("View.Events.OnShowingContextMenu","MyViewOnShowingContextMenu")

Sub MyViewOnShowingContextMenu(Area, MenuPoints)
Dim MenuPoint
  For Each MenuPoint in MenuPoints
    Call MsgBoxDisp(MenuPoint.Id & " " & MenuPoint.Text)
End Sub

See Also

Objects Overview

In This Section
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