DIAdem Help

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Programming Language
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If an event occurs, you can call a user command in order to react to the event. A possible event is when you call a context menu (OnShowingContextMenu) or when you select a context menu item (OnContextMenuPointSelected) in DIAdem NAVIGATOR or DIAdem VIEW.

In a script you can access the context menus of the File Browser, Data Browser, Search Results List of a DataFinder, Search Result List of a Data Store, a Tree in user dialog boxes, an Extended Table in user dialog boxes and the channel preview, as well as the context menus of DIAdem VIEW.

A context menu consists of several context menu items and the context menu object consists of a collection of single objects that you can create, delete, and modify with a script. You can access the single objects and the collection. Use the Set statement to assign objects to a variable and to make it easier to access these objects. You use the Add methods to create new objects. You use the Remove methods to remove existing objects. You use properties to change objects.

The following section shows the structure of the context menu objects and how you can click to the objects:


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