Installing Software on the Host Computer

If you do not currently have any NI software installed on your host computer, refer to the Install Software section for details on required software and in which order to install it. If you have some NI software already installed, refer to the Software Compatibility Resources section for resources to check the compatibility of your software with your controller.

Install Software

Before using the cRIO-905x, you must install the following application software and device drivers on the host computer in the order shown. Visit to download the required software and drivers.

Refer to Choosing Your Programming Mode to determine the programming modes you wish to use.

Sequence Software Corresponding Programming Mode
2 LabVIEW Real-Time Module
4 NI CompactRIO and Drivers Real-Time Mode
Real-Time Scan (IO Variables) Mode
Note LabVIEW FPGA Module is not required when using Real-Time or Real-Time Scan (IO Variables) program modes. To program the user-accessible FPGA on the cRIO-905x or deploy C Series modules in the LabVIEW FPGA program mode, LabVIEW FPGA Module is required.
Note NI CompactRIO and Drivers includes NI-DAQmx driver software. To deploy C Series modules installed in the cRIO-905x in Real-Time (NI-DAQmx) mode, ensure that NI-DAQmx is selected during installation. To deploy C Series modules installed in the cRIO-905x in Real-Time Scan (IO Variables) mode, ensure that NI Scan Engine is selected during installation.

After installing the software, you must activate it using NI License Manager.

Software Compatibility Resources

For more information about installing the correct versions of software, visit and enter the Info Code swsupport.

For tips on resolving software compatibility issues with CompactRIO systems, visit and enter the Info Code swcompatibility.

Note If you try to install software that already exists on your host computer, the installer will show nothing installed.