Deploying Your C Series Module in a Programming Mode in LabVIEW

Complete the following steps to deploy C Series modules in a new programming mode in the LabVIEW project.

  1. Locate your C Series module in your LabVIEW project. If you just created the project, all C Series modules appear under Real-Time Resources, which indicates that they are in the Real-Time (NI-DAQmx) programming mode.
  2. Drag your C Series module to Real-Time Scan Resources. This indicates you plan to use your module in Real-Time Scan (IO Variables) programming mode.
  3. Right-click the cRIO-904x in the project and select Deploy All to deploy the module in the Real-Time Scan (IO Variables) programming mode.

    Your module is now in Real-Time Scan mode.

  4. Drag your C Series module back to Real-Time Resources. This indicates you plan to use your module in Real-Time (NI-DAQmx) programming mode.
  5. Right-click the cRIO-904x in the project and select Deploy All to deploy the module in the Real-Time (NI-DAQmx) programming mode.

    Your module is now in Real-Time (NI-DAQmx) mode.

Programming Examples

For information on getting started with DAQmx programming mode examples in LabVIEW, go to and enter the Info Code criodaqmx. You can also access example projects in LabVIEW by selecting Help»Find Examples, and navigating to Hardware Input and Output»CompactRIO.