Run-Time Dialog Boxes

Run-Time dialog boxes are shown and described below. During the initial verify, the Test Failed dialog boxes appear for as-found and as-left limit failures, respectively, and will describe the details of each failure. As-left limit failures will not result in an overall test failure during the initial verify, but will allow the user to retry the test point if failures are a result of setup issues.

  1. Optional: Retry the existing test point by selecting one of the available buttons.
    Retry Test Retries the current test point. Allows you to check your connections if you believe the failure to be a connection issue.
    Display Last Dialog Displays the last dialog box to aid in checking your connections.
    Terminate Procedure Terminates the procedure.
  2. Optional: Continue to the next test point by selecting one of the available buttons in the Continue section. All of these options will accept the current failure and continue to the next test point.
    Alert on Failure Do not suppress future failures.
    Suppress Alerts for the Present Test Suppress all failure only for the current test. The next tests will display this dialog box for any failures.
    Suppress Alerts for All Tests This option will suppress all alerts.
    Suppress Alerts for "As Left" Failures for Present Test This option will suppress alerts only for as-left test limit failures for the present test, but will continue to display failures for As Found test limits. This option is not available during re-verify.
    Suppress Alerts for "As Left" Failures for All Tests This option will suppress only alerts for as-left test limit failures for all tests, but will continue to display failures for As Found test limits. This option is not available during re-verify.
The Execute Adjust Steps? dialog box appears after verification and detail whether or not there were test point failures.

Select Adjust and Re-verify or Generate Report in the Execute Adjust Steps? dialog box.