NI 9219 Calibration Procedure

Calibrate the NI 9219 using Calibration Executive.

Calibration Executive Procedure Features

Verify Only Verify & Adjust Manual Mode Optional Adjust

Approximate Test Time

Verify OnlyVerify & Adjust
50 minutes 150 minutes
Note Instruments can be used in manual mode, but the switch does not support being operated in manual mode.

Test Equipment

The following table lists the test equipment required for calibrating NI 9219 modules.

Table 42. Test equipment for calibrating the NI 9219
Instrument Recommended Model Requirements
Calibrator Fluke 5520 Voltage Mode
  • Noise:
    • ≤5 mVpk-pk 0.1 Hz–10 Hz at 48 V
    • ≤500 µVpk-pk 0.1 Hz–10 Hz at 12 V
    • ≤500 µVpk-pk 0.1 Hz–10 Hz at 3.2 V
    • ≤50 µVpk-pk 0.1 Hz–10 Hz at 0.8 V
    • ≤5 µVpk-pk 0.1 Hz–10 Hz at 0.1 V

Current Mode

  • Noise ≤500 nApk-pk 0.1 Hz–10 Hz
Resistance Mode
  • Output resistance values between 0 Ω and 10 kΩ with < 0.25 Ω resolution
DMM (x2) PXI-4071 Voltage Accuracy
DMM 1:
  • ≤30 ppm uncertainty and ≤0.8 µV offset error in smallest range
  • ≤15 ppm uncertainty for voltages under 3 V
DMM 2:
  • ≤20 ppm for uncertainty voltages under 1 V and ≤0.8 µV offset error in smallest range
Resistance Accuracy
  • ≤60 ppm uncertainty and ≤0.01 Ω offset error in smallest range
Current Accuracy
  • ≤270 ppm uncertainty for current, ≤2 nA offset error in smallest range
cDAQ Chassis cDAQ-9178

Additional Equipment

The following table lists additional equipment that is required for the calibration fixture.

Equipment Recommended Model Requirements
Switch Matrix PXI/PXIe-2737 Switch required for this fixture.
MIO 63xx Model Device PXIe-6341 8 Digital I/O lines capable of driving 24 mA of current each.
CAL-9219 P/N 785860-01 NI 9219 Calibration Fixture
Cable Assembly SH37F-OM6/4 (P/N 146907-01) 9219 Calibration Cable Kit
Switch Cable SH160DIN-SH160DIN (P/N 782417-02) 160-pin DIN to 160-pin DIN
Shielded Cable SHC68-68-EPM (P/N 192061-01) 68-position D-type to 68-position VHDCI Offset, 1 m cable
Banana Cables (x10)

Legacy Switch Fixture

Prior to version 4.5, Calibration Executive supported a legacy switch fixture. The new switch fixture is recommended; however, if you use the legacy switch fixture, the following equipment is required.

Equipment Recommended Model Requirements
Switch Matrix PXI/PXIe-2529 (x2) and PXI-2503 Switches required for this fixture.
Switch Fixture Custom Switch Fixture Contact NI and reference NI P/N 539725A-025.
Banana Cables (x10)

Test Conditions

The following setup and environmental conditions are required to ensure the NI 9219 meets published specifications.

  • Use the switches and switch fixture provided by NI to calibrate the NI 9219 using Calibration Executive.
  • Verify that all connections to the device are secure.
  • Maintain an ambient temperature of 23 °C ±5 °C. The device temperature will be greater than the ambient temperature.
  • Keep relative humidity below 80%.
  • Allow a warm-up time of at least 10 minutes to ensure that the NI 9219 measurement circuitry is at a stable operating temperature.

Device Setup

  1. Install the NI 9219 in slot 8 of the cDAQ-9178 chassis. Leave slots 1 through 7 in chassis empty.
  2. Configure the hardware using Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).
  3. Launch the Calibration Executive procedure and complete the setup wizard.
  4. Connect the calibration fixture to the system. Refer to the appropriate setup instructions below, based on the fixture you are using.

CAL-9219 Connection Setup

Complete the following steps before running the Calibration Executive procedure.

  1. Connect the NI 2737 switch to the "Switch 2" connector on the fixture shown below using the 160-pin DIN cable.
  2. Connect the NI 6341 device to the "Switch 1" connector using the SHC68-68-EPM cable.

  3. Connect the NI 9219 to the "Device Under Test" connector using the NI 9219 Fixture Cable. Refer to the labels on the cable to determine which channels on the NI 9219 to connect.
  4. Connect the banana cables to the two DMMs and calibrator according to the associated labels on the CAL-9219 calibration fixture. Keep track of DMM 1 and DMM 2; these need to match the configuration in Calibration Executive.

Legacy Switch Fixture

Although NI recommends that you upgrade to the CAL-9219 fixture and PXIe-2737 switches, Calibration Executive still supports the legacy switch fixture. Complete the following steps to set up the legacy fixture.

  1. Connect the two TB-2636 terminal blocks to the two NI 2529 switches. Make sure to note which switch is connected to TB1 and TB2; these must correlate with NI 2529 #1 and NI 2529 #2 when configuring the devices during setup.
  2. Connect the TB-2605 (TB3) to the NI 2503.
  3. Connect the banana cables to their respective instruments based on their labels. Banana connectors that share the same label should be stacked at the instrument. Be sure to configure the two DMMs correctly during setup.
  4. Connect the four NI 9219 connectors to their respective channels on the NI 9219 under test.

Switch Maintenance

To ensure proper operation of the switches used in this procedure, you must periodically test the performance of your switches.

If you use the recommended fixture with the NI 2737 switch matrix, you can use the NI Switch Health Center periodically to confirm that the switch is continuing to operate as expected. The NI Switch Health Center can be found in program files, or you can right-click the NI 2737 switch device in NI-MAX to access the NI Switch Health Center.

If you use the legacy fixture with the NI 2737 switch matrix with the NI 2529 and PXI-2503 switches, refer to the NI 2503/2529 Switch Performance Test for instructions on validating the performance of the switches used in this procedure.

Note If the fixture used to connect the switches for the NI 9219 procedure is determined to be the cause of performance issues with this procedure, contact NI for support.

Test Limit Equations

The test limits in this procedure are derived from the published specifications found in the NI 9219 Calibration Procedure.