Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  What happens if I try to edit a report configuration in a location that is currently opened by another user on a shared network?

A:  When you click Config Reports, a Locked Report Configuration Location message is displayed. In this dialog box, you can select one of the following actions:

  • Cancel — Close the Custom Report Configurator to avoid corruption of configuration files. The Report Configuration Location remains the configured path, and you can use the available report formats from the Calibration Reports window.
  • Change Location — Select a different Report Configuration Location to edit.
  • Force Unlock — Unlock the current Report Configuration Location. This permits two or more users to edit the configurations at the same time; however, files may become corrupted. Choose this option only if you are sure that no one else is editing configurations at this location.

Q:  What happens if I try to import a configuration folder that has the same name as a configuration folder that already exists in my specified location?

A:  During import, a pop-up informs you that there is a conflict with the imported configuration. Do one of the following:

  • Click Yes to overwrite the existing configuration with the configuration you are importing.
  • Click No to import the new configuration with _Import# appended to the end of the configuration name. The number at the end indicates the instance of the imported configuration (_Import1, _Import2, and so on). After import, you can rename the configuration (select the configuration and click Rename).

Q:  Why is there a Migrate Reports button instead of the Config Reports button?

A:  Calibration Executive 6.0 uses a new custom reports stylesheet which is required to utilize guard banding features for 2.0 uncertainty formats.

Calibration Executive attempts to migrate stylesheets from your existing custom reports automatically, but if any of the stylesheets have been modified manually, they cannot be migrated without losing information. You may continue to use your reports without migrating, but you will be unable to use any of the new custom report functionality.

When you click Migrate, Calibration Executive prompts you to overwrite your modified stylesheets. If you continue, you will lose these modifications and will need to recreate any customizations you wish to retain. Calibration Executive does save a backup of your stylesheet, which you can use for reference.