Calibration Executive Operating Requirements

Your system must meet the following minimum requirements to run and use Calibration Executive.

  • Pentium 4/M processor or equivalent
  • 4 GB of RAM
  • 1024 x 768 pixels screen resolution
  • The user must have administrator privileges
  • Windows 10 (64-bit version only)
Note Calibration Executive is not compatible with operating systems that use wide characters (for example, Japanese or Chinese). Calibration Executive only supports using periods (.) for decimal places. If your computer is configured to use commas as decimal places, you must change this setting.

Additional Software Requirements

To view calibration reports in all available formats, you must have the following components installed on your system:

  • Java Run-time Environment - Calibration Executive supports both Oracle Java Run-time Environment and OpenJDK.
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel (64-bit is recommended)

The following instruments require specific drivers that are not installed by Calibration Executive. To install these drivers, you must download them directly from the manufacturer's website; you can find links to third party instrument drivers at

Driver versions listed are those tested during development; later versions might be available and should be compatible.

Table 1. Additional Driver Software Requirements
Instrument Required Drivers
Rohde & Schwarz NRP-Z power meter
  • NRP-Toolkit 4.16
  • NRP-NI-VISA Passport 2.7.1
  • NRP-Z VXI Plug & Play x64 Driver
Rohde & Schwarz SMA100A signal generator VXI Plug & Play x64 Driver RSSMA version 2.21.0
Elektro-Automatik PS 9000 Series power supply EA USB Driver with PS9000 Support version or newer[1]1 This driver is only necessary when using USB communication with an Elektro-Automatik PS 9000 Series power supply. This driver can be downloaded from the Elektro-Automatik website.

If you are performing a calibration that requires a METAS-compatible database, install METAS VNA Tools. Refer to your procedure help page to determine if METAS is required. Visit for details about the software and to register, then click the Download METAS VNA Tools <version> link to download the version of METAS VNA Tools that is compatible with your version of Calibration Executive.

Table 2. METAS VNA Tools version compatibility
Calibration Executive Version METAS VNA Tools Version
2023 Q4 and later 2.7.0
Install METAS VNA Tools using the default installation settings. Ensure you install METAS VNA Tools for everyone to use and in the following folder: C:\Program Files(x86)\METAS\Metas.Vna.Tools

1 This driver is only necessary when using USB communication with an Elektro-Automatik PS 9000 Series power supply. This driver can be downloaded from the Elektro-Automatik website.