I'm using a GPIB device, and installed NI VISA, but I am seeing the following error/message: Error: Windows does not have a driver associated with your device I made the assumption that when I install ...
What are the layers of the software stack for instrument control in LabVIEW or LabWindows™/CVI? I am starting a project with LabVIEW and I would like to send commands to a third-party instrument. What ...
My GPIB instrument not responding when I attempt to communicate with it. I'm receiving Error (2) ENOL when I try to communicate with my device. My GPIB instrument will work on another laptop, but not on ...
This document explains how to transfer data from one computer to another computer using NI IEEE 488 interface boards for the PC and the Interface Bus Interactive Control (IBIC) Program.
I am having trouble communicating because the device is timing out, but I cannot change the device timeout. I called the device vendor and they told me to lower the speed of the GPIB bus. How can I do ...
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