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Showing 1 - 10 of 65 results

I have a data acquisition device that I would like to use on my Linux machine.Where can I find a list of DAQ hardware modules and devices supported by or compatible with NI-DAQmx Base?

I would like to accurately measure voltages between 14 V and 18 V. Is it possible to use a normal data acquisition +/-10V module to do this?

This article explains how can to tell what inputs and outputs are the expected values using internal lines for NI's E Series, M Series, or X Series devices.

I am using the Pulse Measurement Counter Input tasks in DAQmx with my DAQ device and I am getting the following error at DAQmx Create Channel VI : Error -200431 occurred at DAQmx Create Channel (CI-Pulse ...

I want to know the frequency resolution of the analog output on my DAQ device. Can I calculate this myself, or is there an available approximation I can use instead?

Why does the read speed of each AI (analog input) channel decrease as I increase the number of AI channels I am reading from? How do I read from multiple AI channels at the same time, simultaneously? I ...

You may need to control a stepper motor drive (step or direction) using the digital outputs of your USB DAQ. This article will help you control the motor for some simple moves in LabVIEW.

This article provides guidance on how often NI devices need to be calibrated and how to find the specific calibration interval for individual Multifunction I/O DAQ, Digital Instruments, High-Speed Digital ...

I am running an application that is working with other cards in other computers. When I run it on this computer I get Error-200478 DAQmx Start 1Task Name: _unnamedTask<8>for an ...

I have created a DAQmx Task that references multiple devices. I keep seeing error -89137. How can I fix this? I am programming multiple tasks or connecting multiple terminal routes in an NI-DAQmx device.However ...

Showing 1 - 10 of 65 results
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