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I am currently using NI PXIe-5668R vector signal analyser. I have a customized bitfile and compiled for NI PXIe 5624R digitizer FPGA. How can I load this file to the target programmatically while using ...

The calibration date on my VST device is incorrect or not updatedafter I run it through the Calibration Executive procedure.

What is the difference between sample rate and I/Q rate on NI RF devices? How can I adjust the I/Q rate if RF devices have a fixed sample rate?

The time and frequency domain plots of my received data using the NI RF device appeardistorted. How to resolve the issue?

I use FlexRIO with an adapter module to collect analog signal. When I set the sample rate higher then 100 MS/s it seems like some data points are missing in the acquired signal. I use a DMA FIFO for data ...

The NI-RFSG Soft Front Panel on InstrumentStudio is not showing up when using my VST. The Classis NI-RFSG Soft Front Panel works fine.

I'm trying to open an RFSA or RFmx session with my NI vector signal analyzer (or vector signal transceiver), but I receive the error -1074118630 or error -1074097950when I open it using either LabVIEW ...

I was trying to use C# example (User>>Public>>Public Documents>>National Instruments>>NI-RFSG>>Example>>VS2012>>Triggers>>ScriptTrigger-SoftwareSource). It worked under another PC, but itdoesn't work now, ...

When I access my PXIe Vector Signal Transceiver (VST) instrument, whether that's through LabVIEW or a Soft Front Panel, I receive a Warning message equal to or similar to the following: Warning 1073365999 ...

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