I can’t see my NI 986x (XNET module), NI 9881 (CANopen Module) or NI 9882 (DeviceNet Module) in my CompactRIO or Single-Board RIO. Why is this happening, and how can I fix it?
I had a NI-CAN program that worked previously, but am now using newer hardware that is supported by NI-XNET. When I try to run my program, I receive error BFF62023 at the NI-CAN Configure Network Interface ...
I am getting Error -63101 when I try to deploy my NI VeriStand System Definition File that contains one or more NI-986x modules:
Error -63101 occurred at Project Window.lvlib:Project Window.vi >> Project ...
I have a cDAQ chassis with an NI-XNET module in one of the slots. After installing NI-XNET 1.8, my modules appear in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) as unsupported modules. NI-XNET modules include ...
I want to use the NI-XNET API in the startup application on my real-time CompactDAQ (cDAQ) or CompactRIO (cRIO), and the code runs without issue from the development environment. However, when I try and ...
I am using a NI-XNET module in a cRIO with NI-DAQmx support (cRIO-904x or cRIO-905x). I cannot add the NI-986x module under Real-Time Scan Resource or Real-Time Resource in LabVIEW project. Is this an ...
When using an XNET device (NI-9866 for example) in the cDAQ-9171, I receive the following internal errorin NI-MAX.
When I look in the error log file, I see Error0x859080B7 hundreds of times. What should ...
I am not able to add my NI 9860 module under the FPGA target in a LabVIEW project. Is the module supported in the FPGA interface? I am getting This C Series module is not supported by the installed versions ...
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