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Ultiboard is printed circuit board design and layout software that integrates seamlessly with Multisim to accelerate PCB prototype development.

Ultiboard software offers efficient PCB design layout and routing with a customizable environment. You can use its flexible tools to place parts and copper with manual precision to define critical board elements. With its automated functionality, you can quickly complete a design. The advanced spreadsheet view, toolbox, and design wizards help you easily manage, control, and define any board layout. Seamless integration with Multisim software provides simple schematic transfer to PCB, and forward and backward annotation ensures design iteration management. You can easily export industry-standard file formats such as Gerber and DXF to complete the design flow from schematic to layout.

Artikelnummer(n): 788400-35WM | 788400-35 | 788401-35 | 788401-35WM | 779881-35WM

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