SMU and Power Supply Set Up, Control, and Optimization Course

FROM $ 515.00

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Item details
Education Service Credits Needed: 5
Course Format: On-Demand
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SMU and Power Supply Set Up, Control, and Optimization Course, On-Demand, 1-Year Access
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SMU and Power Supply Set Up, Control, and Optimization On-Demand
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The SMU and Power Supply Set Up, Control, and Optimization Course teaches you how to configure and control power supplies and SMUs.

The SMU and Power Supply Set Up, Control, and Optimization Course is designed to help you understand how to use PXI Source Measure Units (SMUs) and PXI Programmable Power Supplies to perform common device tasks and tests. The course guides you through the complete test workflow: from configuration and cabling, to calibration, debugging, and optimizing for speed and precision. You will learn how to configure and control power supplies and SMUs both interactively in InstrumentStudio and programmatically in LabVIEW. You also will understand how to perform tasks such as powering up your device-under-test (DUT) by sourcing voltage or current to it, performing SMU sweeps to capture I-V characteristics of your DUT, and viewing transient behavior of your DUT. After attending this course, you will know how to take accurate and repeatable measurements using offset null and remote sense as well as how to debug your software and hardware to resolve errors and reduce noise. The SMU and Power Supply Set Up, Control, and Optimization Course is recommended for test and validation Engineers requiring source and measurement capabilities for their DUTs. Basic LabVIEW programming experience is required.

Besondere Merkmale der Funktion:

  • Format: Auf Anforderung
  • Voraussetzungen: Grundlegende LabVIEW-Programmiererfahrung

Artikelnummer(n): 910900-71


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