Protocol Validation Software for I3C Target Devices

Soliton Technologies Private Limited

FROM $ 20,000.00

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Item details
Software Use: Development
License Term: Perpetual
Language: English
Delivery Method: Download
License Size Value: 1
License Size Unit of Measure: Seat(s)
Edition Type: Full
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The Protocol Validation Software for I3C Target Devices helps you validate the MIPI® I3C target interface for protocol specification compliance.

The Protocol Validation Software for I3C Target Devices is application software that works with the PXIe-657x PXI Digital Pattern Instrument. You can use this software to validate bus timing, electrical, and functional compliance of a device with specifications of the Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI�) I2C protocol. The software also supports device tolerance validation and the ability to recover from a variety of faults and exceptions. Additionally, the Protocol Validation Software for I3C Target Devices can create a detailed set of test reports, and it also provides APIs to integrate with automation platforms like TestStand and Python. The Soliton PVS Interposer board is required to perform the validation; one board is included with the add-on and is available from Soliton.

Artikelnummer(n): 787989-35

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