
FROM $ 1,056.00

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Item details
Supported Serial Protocols: RS422, RS485
Number of Serial Channels: 4
Isolation Type: None
Bus Connector: USB 2.0
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Supported Power InputPower supply support can vary by country. Blank values indicate power supplies are not included.
Japan 100VAC
United Kingdom 240VAC
North America 240VAC
Universal Euro 240VAC
Australia 240VAC
Swiss 220VAC
United States 120VAC
China 220VAC
Korea 220VAC
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4-Port, USB, RS485/RS422 Serial Interface Device

The USB‑485/4 interface transforms your USB port into a single asynchronous serial port for communication with RS485 and RS422 devices. You can use a USB‑485/4 port as a standard serial port from your application, including RTS/CTS hardware handshake lines. NI serial interfaces also appear as standard COM ports for compatibility with programs that use serial communications.

Artikelnummer(n): 778476-74 | 778476-64 | 778476-54 | 778476-44 | 778476-34 | 778476-24 | 778476-14 | 778476-104 | 778476-94 |

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