
FROM $ 9,241.00

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Item details
Max DC Source Power: 4 W
Max DC Sink Power: 4 W
Maximum AC Stimulus Voltage: 7.07 Vrms
DC Current Range: -100 mA to 100 mA
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Current SensitivityMeasure of responsiveness of the device to changes in current.
1 pA
Voltage RangeAmount of voltage the product can accurately measure on a channel.
-10 V to 10 V
Impedance Accuracy %The basic accuracy % of impedance measurements from the LCR meter.
Maximum DC Bias VoltageThe maximum DC bias voltage the instrument can source.
10 V
Maximum AC Stimulus Frequency RangeThe maximum AC stimulus frequency the instrument can source.
40 Hz to 500 kHz
40 Hz to 2 MHz
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PXIe, Up to 2 MHz, Up to 40 V PXI LCR Meter

The PXIe-4190 helps you measure and test the inductance, capacitance, and resistance (LCR) of electronic equipment. It includes an LCR meter with fF-class capacitance measurements and a precision source measure unit (SMU) with fA-class current measurements. You can use PXIe-4190 meter in capacitance-voltage/current-voltage (CV/IV) automated test systems for semiconductor applications including integrated passive device (IPD), microelectromechanical systems (MEMs), multi-layer ceramic capacitor (MLCC), and parametric testing. Additionally, the PXIe-4190 is supported by the NI-DCPower instrument driver, which includes APIs for LabVIEW, C, C# .NET, Python, and other programming languages.

Artikelnummer(n): 788101-01 | 788088-01 |

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