
FROM $ 1,914.00

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Item details
Maximum Current Drive: 4 mA
Supported Hardware Platform: C Series
Maximum Update Rate: 25 kS/s/ch
Analog Output Resolution: 16 bits
Enclosed: Yes
Analog Output Voltage Range: -10 V to 10 V
Number of Analog Output Channels: 16
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Front Connection TypeThe connection form or shape between the product and the sensor.
Spring Terminal
Analog Output IsolationType of isolation. Isolation separates channels from each other or separate channels from ground.
250 Vrms Bank Isolation
60 VDC Ch-Earth Ground Isolation
Conformal CoatedProduct has a conformal coating to protect electronics from moisture.
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25 kS/s/ch Simultaneous, ±10 V, 16-Channel C Series Voltage Output Module

The NI‑9264 is a simultaneously updating analog output module that accommodates higher‑channel‑count systems. Higher density modules conserve chassis space, which leaves room for other measurement types. Each channel has its own digital‑to‑analog converter. The spring-terminal version of the NI‑9264 uses a 36‑position connector for the output channels, and each channel has a ground connection.

Artikelnummer(n): 780927-01 | 780927-02 | 785190-02 | 785190-01 |

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