Localization Toolkit for LabVIEW

S.E.A. Science & Engineering

FROM $ 58.00

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Item details
License Term: Perpetual
Language: English
Delivery Method: Download
License Size Unit of Measure: Seat(s)
Edition Type: Full
Supported OS: Windows
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The Localization Toolkit for LabVIEW helps you create and distribute multilanguage applications.

The Localization Toolkit for LabVIEW is a software add-on that you can use to maintain LabVIEW applications for worldwide distribution in different languages. At any time, you can switch menus and other elements of an applicationUI to any language and character set. Additionally, you can use the Localization Toolkit for LabVIEW to set text attributes such as font type, size, and direction of each text field depending on the selected language.

Artikelnummer(n): 781952-35 | 781979-3501 | 781979-35100 | 781952-35WP

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