Electromechanical Machines Simulation Toolkit

Ovak Technologies

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The Electromechanical Machines Simulation Toolkit helps you simulate electric motors in LabVIEW.

The Electromechanical Machines Simulation Toolkit is a software add-on for LabVIEW that you can use to design and analyze systems in areas such as control systems, electrical and mechanical engineering, mechatronics, and robotics. This add-on provides a set of electrical motor models that help you create real time simulations using electrical engines. You can choose the motor type and its parameters, connect it to any other system, and follow the way it works. The add-on supports brushed and brushless DC, synchronous and asynchronous AC, and stepper motors. The Electromechanical Machines Simulation Toolkit palette also includes additional subsystems for creating control systems.

Artikelnummer(n): 784638-35

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