
FROM $ 16,925.00

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Serial Link: FPD-LINK III
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DeserializerDeserializer included in the product
SerializerSerializer included in the product
Number of Digital Output Only ChannelsNumber of channels that can only send digital signal.
Number of Digital Input Only ChannelsNumber of channels that can only receive a digital signal.
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PXIe, 8 Input, 8 Output, or 4 Input/4 Output PXI FlexRIO FPD-Link™ Interface Module

The PXIe-1486 combines the Texas Instruments Flat Panel Display Link™ (FPD-Link™) interface with the Xilinx FPGA for high-throughput vision and imaging applications. This module provides a high-speed digital interface for using and testing modern advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous drive (AD) camera sensors and electronic control units (ECUs). Additionally, the PXIe-1486 makes use of a combination of FPD-Link™ serializers and deserializers with a Xilinx FPGA to provide a high-throughput and customizable FPD-Link™ interface on PXI. The included FlexRIO driver, with LabVIEW FPGA examples, provides access and control for power-over-coax (PoC), I²C back-channel communication, and general-purpose input/output (GPIO) communication on the FPD-Link™ channels. The PXIe-1486 is ideal for applications such as in-vehicle data logging, lab-based playback, or hardware-in-the-loop (HIL). FPD-Link is a trademark of Texas Instruments.

Artikelnummer(n): 787455-01 | 787453-01 | 787454-01 | 788711-01 | 788713-01 |

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