Web Service for Network RFSG Driver for LabVIEW

Innovative Solutions

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The Web Service for Network RFSG Driver for LabVIEW provides a remote access for NI PXI hardware supported in the NI-RFSG driver and supports multiple systems and users.

The Web Service for Network RFSG (NetRFSG) Driver for LabVIEW is a software add-on that helps you use and remotely access PXI RF Analog Signal Generators, PXI Vector Signal Generators, and more. With this add-on, you can develop code on your PC and run it on a PXI system through the IP address. You can connect to multiple PXI systems at the same time from your PC; and multiple users can use a single PXI platform. The add-on also helps you convert your NI-RFSG code to and from NetRFSG code. The Web Service for Network RFSG Driver for LabVIEW does not require the NI-RFSG driver to be installed separately.

Artikelnummer(n): 784127-35

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