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The Test Code Module Development with STS and .NET/C# Course helps you understand how to use Semiconductor Test System (STS) tester resources. In this course, you will learn how to create, modify, execute, and debug test programs with pre-existing Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET code modules to collect test data and test time reports. You also will learn the basics of successfully communicating with a device under test (DUT) as well as how to setup and configure an STS to test a mixed-signal semiconductor device. After attending this course, you will understand the fundamentals of modifying and executing test program architecture, creating an automated STS test sequence, and navigating the Operator Interface. The Test Code Module Development with STS and .NET/C# Course is recommended for semiconductor test engineers using or evaluating the NI STS to perform semiconductor production test or high-volume automated device validation. General knowledge of test engineering and semiconductor test strategies and methods is required.
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