Semiconductor Device Control Add-On for InstrumentStudio

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The Semiconductor Device Control Add-on for InstrumentStudio provides interactive device control capabilities that quickly scale to automated validation.

The Semiconductor Device Control Add-on for InstrumentStudio is a software add-on that helps you perform interactive register read/write operations using standard digital protocols, such as MIPI I3C, I2C, SPI, or RFFE, or even custom protocols. You can save your InstrumentStudio projects or export setups for automated validation in LabVIEW, Python, .NET or TestStand. You can use InstrumentStudio in parallel with automated applications to monitor and debug device control tasks in real time. The Semiconductor Device Control Add-on for InstrumentStudio works with the I�C/SPI Interface Device and the PXI Digital Pattern Instrument to help you execute common tasks when performing interactive and automated semiconductor validation.

Feature Highlights:

  • Interactively read and write to your device registers and control static digital I/O
  • Integrate device control alongside instrumentation measurements in InstrumentStudio
  • Simplify your transition from interactive debug and bring up to automated validation

Artikelnummer(n): 787812-35 | 788211-35

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