QSI Documentation Editor

Q Software Innovations, LLC

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The QSI Documentation Editor provides source code documentation tools for LabVIEW.

The QSI Documentation Editor (QSI-DE) is a software add-on for LabVIEW that helps you access and add descriptions in VIs, projects, libraries, classes, and XControls in one click. The QSI-DE includes a text editor with features similar to word processors such as bold font, bullets, currency symbols, shortcuts to toggle the formatting on and off, undo and redo with buttons, and copy, cut, and paste functionality. You can add specific details to each file using the "Specific" description feature and add boilerplate information to all files with the "Common" description feature. You also can preview descriptions as they would appear in the Context Help Window.

Artikelnummer(n): 783657-35

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