MUNIN IF Wideband Recording Software with RTSA Option

Novator Solutions AB

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MUNIN IF Wideband Recording Software with RTSA Option supports gapless recording of narrowband and wideband IF signals with parallel remote operation.

MUNIN IF Wideband Recording Software with RTSA Option is application software that you can use to perform long recordings of IF signals from 2 MHz to 600 MHz real-time bandwidth. This software supports IF channels with 2x70 MHz at 160 MHc frequency of a carrier (fc) and 1x600 MHz real-time bandwidth at 1GHz fc; other configurations are available on request. The optional real-time spectrum analyzer (RTSA) feature for 70 MHz instantaneous bandwidth (IBW) IF inputs, combined with the large acquisition buffer, supports capturing of rare signals by remote operators. Additionally, MUNIN IF Wideband Recording Software with RTSA Option is optimized for capturing one or more IF channels in real time for device-under-test (DUT) characterization, for spectrum analysis, or for setting up repeatable lab tests.

Artikelnummer(n): 787817-35

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