LabVIEW G²CPU High-Performance Compute Toolkit

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LabVIEW G²CPU High-Performance Compute Toolkit helps you run LabVIEW applications on any X86, OpenCL, or CUDA device.

LabVIEW G�CPU High-Performance Compute Toolkit is a software add-on based on the ArrayFire software library that you can use to perform large calculations efficiently while reducing code optimization effort. The add-on provides an API that closely resembles native LabVIEW to run your application on X86, OpenCL, or Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) devices. With this add-on, you can choose to run your calculations multithreaded on your CPU, CUDA-enabled NVIDIA devices, or OpenCL compatible graphics cards during runtime. Additionally, the LabVIEW G�CPU High-Performance Compute Toolkit includes a set of functions ranging from basic math, statistics to signal processing and matrix operations, while providing a performance boost with arrays as small as 1000 elements.

Artikelnummer(n): 789831-35 | 789831-35WP | 789832-35 | 789832-35WP

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